N222XS Aircraft Information

The best aerobatics / formation airplane for the money!



General Specs

Additional Information

Total Time: 550 hours

Engine Time: 550 hours

Cylinder compressions- #1- 79/80, #2- 78/80, #3- 77/80, #4- 79/80, #5- 79/80, #6- 77/80, #7- - 79/80, #8- 79/80, #9- 78/80.

Prop Time SMOH: 37 hours


+7/-5 G Limit

So, I never planned on selling this plane as it has been an absolute blast to fly. In fact, I have flown it almost every week the entire time I've owned it. Anything it ever needed mechanically has always been done without hesitation. Along the path of owning it the last 5 years, I've always had the best done when there was a choice of quality on parts or service, as I'd rather fix things once, the right way. It just went through the annual condition inspection. The air system is exceptionally tight. When I've accidentally left the master valve open overnight, there has still been plenty of pressure to start the plane the next day.

I've also upgraded to a different 3 blade MT prop that results in 6 additional knots of cruise speed than the previous one.

This plane has a long list of positives. About the only negatives you'll find is the paint and interior are about 6 out of 10 when it comes to things like paint chips, etc. But I must say, I'm going to miss the black with the black tinted canopies. It's one of the badest, most distinctive looking Yaks I've ever seen.


Avionics / Equipment


- Yak specific tool kit

- Oil drain kit installed (helps prevent hydro lock)

- Engine oil heaters

- Full lighting package for clear night flight

- water bottle holder

- pony bottle air tank backup air for travel

- full sized scuba air tank.

- removable storage compartment (behind passenger seat)

- Garmin G5 (attitude, airspeed, altimeter)

- Trig TT21 Mode S Transponder (ADSB OUT)

- Trig TY91 VHF Radio w/standby frequency monitoring

- Smoking Airplanes Smoke system (6 gallons including fill tube)

- dual USB plug

- RAM Mount for Stratus (Stratus unit available for separate purchase)

- Multiple internal RAM mounts for phone/camera

- External Camera Mount

- 3 blade MT prop

- Bruce's Canopy Cover

- 2 Softie Parachutes

- Tinted Canopy

- Hooker Harness


Total Time: 550 hours (this will change as the airplane is being flown regularly)